Pantone / PMS 294 / #003882 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #003882 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue . In the RGB color model #003882 is comprised of 0% red, 21.96% green and 50.98% blue.
3 swatches: Pantone 294, Pantone 294C and CMYK color Pantone (PMS). Solid ink color made by Pantone that is used for offset printing. PMS 294 Uncoated
r0, g77, b134. HTML # Pantone Color 294 with RGB, CMYK and HEX conversion. Primary Brand Colors. These are the “go to” colors when designing or building communications for Western's audiences. Dark Blue. Pantone 294.
Introducing an expanded array of color to the iconic Pantone Matching System (PMS). The addition of 294 trend-relevant colors brings the PMS-numren här intill vid tryck på glättat bestruket papper. Tryckerier och PMS 294. PMS 122. Svart. Vit. Fyrfärgstryck (CMYK). C=100 M=60 Y=0 K=15.
Pantone colors on computer screens may vary based on the graphics card and monitor used in your system. Do not rely on this as your only method for final color selection.
R 230. G 188. B 216. PMS 294.
The only acceptable supportive colors are Pantone 292 C, Pantone 294 C, and Pantone 7541 C. Pantone Using a CMYK or RGB equivalent is not allowed.
Stöder CMYK och Dekorfärger. 4.
RGB 0/63/135. Pantone Color 294 with RGB, CMYK and HEX conversion. Данный справочник включает в себя 294 новых цвета! Pantone Color Bridge Set Coated & Uncoated (перевод Pantone в CMYK, глянцевая +
Primary Logo Colors · DODGER BLUE PANTONE: 294. Hex Color: #005A9C; RGB: (0,90,156) CMYK: (100,56,0,18.5) · RED PANTONE: PMS 185. Hex Color: #
Color Values: RGB 0 47 108; HEX/HTML 002F6C; CMYK 100 74 0 45.
Robert blake
-. RGB. 255, 220,0.
PMS: PANTONE 294 C. RGB: 1 20 75. CMYK: 0 100 70 45.
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gling roman och den blå färgen PMS 294 U. Läs mer om hur föreningens CMYK – fyrfärgstryck till exempel PANTONE, 294 U. CMYK, 85
RGB: 0/64/121. CMYK: 63/28/2/5. PMS: 652. RGB: 97/153/203.
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294 new trend colors added! The Color Bridge Guide illustrates how Pantone Spot colors can reproduce in CMYK on uncoated stock, for confident color management across platforms. Graphic and print designers can visualize Pantone Spot colors side by side with their closest, industry-standard CMYK equivalent when process printing is required.
2008 — Duis autem vel eum iriurer dolor inom hendrerit. 4/6. Page 5.